Recyclo R3 Plastic Da stuff
Cursive Font Website Recycling/Waste Checker

Quick guides

Click to sort waste

Icon Showcase
Icon 1
Plastic Bottles

with PET, HDPE,

Triangle 1,2


Cans, Trays,


boxes, envelopes,

sheets, cartons

Bottles, Foil
Icon 2
Plastic Spoons,

Forks, Cups, Lids,

Straws Wrappers.

Paper cups,




Recycle Wordle



Plastic Footprint


How much plastic do you use each week?

Plastic bottles

Plastic straws

Plastic cups

Plastic lids

Styrofoam boxes

Plastic bags

Plastic cuttlery

Plastic wrappers


Total plastic usage: items per week

Total plastic weight: lbs / kg

Total plastic weight per year: lbs / kg

How you can offset your plastic usage:

- Reduce the use of plastic bottles by switching to reusable bottles

- Avoid using plastic straws & opt for alternatives like metal or paper straws

- Bring your own reusable cups when possible

- Choose beverages without plastic drink lids

- Avoid using styrofoam boxes & opt for eco-friendly food containers

- Use reusable bags instead of plastic bags for shopping

- Choose biodegradable or reusable cutlery options